which makes you a breadthfirst problem solver: 脳は幅優先の問題解決をするようになり
before they will hire a research and development problem solver 研究者や技術者を採用する際
look , kelly , i'm a problem solver , all right ? this is what i do . okay ? こういうの得意なんだ いいかい?
i'm a builder , a problem solver . 私はむしろ建築家だ
he's a problem solver , and he read books , and he did a whole bunch of research , and he came up with ... this system . 本を読みあさり 徹底的に研究して― ある方式を生み出した
as a renowned problem solver during the warring states period in japan , shakugo ' s great-grandfather was hisahide matsunaga , a well known master of the tea ceremony . 戦国時代随一のフィクサーで、茶人としても有名な松永久秀は尺五の曽祖父である。
a thinker who focuses on the problem as stated and tries to synthesize information and knowledge to achieve a solution Synonyms: solver, convergent thinker,